Our team had well planned sessions during the planning stage, demonstrating our dedication to professionalism and effectiveness. We understood the importance of clearly defining each member's tasks and responsibilities in order to maintain optimal organisation and effective coordination throughout the project's planning and execution. Firdaus was elected as our respected group leader through a voting process, demonstrating our commitment to effective leadership and decision-making. We undertook thorough research, delving into various sources to gather comprehensive knowledge and insights. After rigorous discussions and brainstorming sessions, we narrowed down our options to two exceptional community service events: "Imagineers Society" and "Wave of Change." After conducting thorough research and meticulously considering all factors, our group made the informed decision to undertake the "Wave of Change" project as our community service endeavours. I am quite excited about the idea of working on this project because it presents a special chance for me to clean the beach while also enjoying the tranquil beauty of our coastal surroundings with my fellow group members. In particular during our busy schedules packed with assignments and tests, it acts as a much-needed escape and a fun activity to work on. 

All duties that were given to us have successfully been finished long before the event day. Furthermore, few members have taken the initiative to procure essential supplies, including garbage bags, gloves, scissors, duct tape, and mineral water, ensuring that we are well-equipped for our activities at the beach. This planning phase has taught me invaluable lessons about the importance of good communication and effective teamwork in successfully executing a project. Our team's ability to work together seamlessly has been essential to realising our goals. Additionally, I've learned the value of thorough preparation, which has greatly increased the likelihood that our project will succeed. We are reviving our spirits and tightening our relationships as a team while also cleaning the beach by engaging in this significant community service project.

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On the much-anticipated day of 28th May 2023, our team assembled at the engineering faculty, brimming with enthusiasm and a resolute determination to create a lasting impact. With the assurance of the presence of all members, we embarked on our journey to Pantai Bagan Lalang in three separate cars. Armed with gloves, bags, and an unwavering commitment to effect change, we eagerly embarked on our clean-up mission after receiving a comprehensive briefing from our esteemed leader, Firdaus. As we walked along the shoreline, we were initially captivated by the pristine beauty of the beach. But as we continued on, the grim reality of the circumstance swiftly came into focus. The once-pleasant scenery was defaced by trash and rubbish, endangering the delicate ecosystem that thrived there. The shoreline was littered with plastic bottles, food containers that had been thrown out, and fishing nets, endangering the marine life that depended on these waters. We were pained by the sight, but we were also inspired to act right away and bring the beach back to its former splendour. 

Dividing our group into smaller teams, some of us diligently combed through the sand, meticulously picking up every piece of trash we encountered. The others took the opportunity to engage with the local community, conducting interviews and gathering their genuine opinions on the environmental challenges faced by the beach. The feedback we received was invaluable, allowing us to gain deeper insights into the issues at hand while fostering a sense of appreciation for our efforts and a renewed commitment to creating positive change. The genuine appreciation and valuable advice we received from the people we interacted with served as fuel for our motivation, reinforcing the significance of our actions and spurring us to continue our efforts. We aimed to promote a shared commitment to the preservation of our priceless natural resources through our collaborative efforts to increase awareness, encourage sustainable practises, and develop sustainable practises. 

After gathering all the trash from the beach, we also segregated the recyclable items, such plastic bottles. With the plastic bottles that have been cleaned and supplies like scissors and duct tape, we go on to our next activity, which comprises constructing a water filter. The bottles were carefully divided into compartments for several filtration levels. We ingeniously construct the filtering mechanism inside the bottles using easily available components like sand, gravel, and activated charcoal. As we put each filter together, we all exchange ideas and work out problems together. In my opinion, this activity inspires people and communities to come up with creative solutions to urgent environmental problems and build a more sustainable future. It also raises awareness about sustainable solutions and the potential of reusing plastic bottles. 

As our fulfilling day of beach clean-up drew to a close, our commitment to leaving a positive impact extended beyond the shoreline. Before embarking on our journey back to University Malaya, our Muslim members recognized the opportunity to contribute to the cleanliness and organization of the prayer room at the beach. The act of cleaning the prayer room symbolized our commitment to excellence and attention to detail in every aspect of our project. It exemplified our unwavering dedication to leaving a positive impact, not only on the beach itself but also in the areas adjacent to it. As we prepared to depart, a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction washed over us. We were tired from a day filled with physical exertion, but the exhaustion paled in comparison to the joy and fulfilment we felt in our hearts. 

A group of people in black shirts

Description automatically generated with medium confidence A group of people in black shirts

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A group of people collecting garbage

Description automatically generated with low confidence A picture containing transparent material, water bottle, water, bottle

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I was made painfully aware of the scale of the pollution and trash that blight our beaches during the beach clean-up initiative. It was disheartening to see trash strewn across the shoreline, including plastic bottles, cigarette butts, and used wrappers. It helped me to understand how urgent it is to confront our throwaway culture and the critical need for appropriate waste management. It felt empowering to participate in the events with the community. Working tirelessly to gather and clear the beach of garbage, I joined forces with the other members of my group. Each bit of rubbish we removed gave us a sense of accomplishment and made a real difference in restoring the beach's natural beauty. It served as a reminder that change starts with personal choices, and that by banding together to work towards a common objective, we can have a big impact. I could not help but think about how our activities have an impact on the ecosystem as I collected different items off the beach. 

In addition, the interviews we did as part of the clean-up programme served as a platform for education and awareness. The development of a generation that prioritises and values environmental conservation depends on education. Additionally, I think that this beach cleanup activity was the beginning of a sustained commitment to environmental stewardship rather than a one-time occurrence. It helped me to see that the process is not over with a single cleanup operation. Instead, it takes persistent commitment and proactive measures to increase recycling and minimise waste. This project was a transformative experience that instilled a sense of environmental consciousness and responsibility in me. 

Moreover, the experience of working closely with my group members throughout this beach clean-up program has been a valuable lesson in teamwork and has greatly enhanced my skills in cooperation and communication. As we spent hours collecting litter, engaging in meaningful conversations, and sharing moments of laughter and camaraderie, our bonds grew stronger. I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked alongside such dedicated and inspiring individuals, and I am confident that the lessons learned and the bonds formed will continue to benefit us as we navigate future challenges together. Moving forward, I am committed to promoting sustainable practices, spreading awareness, and actively engaging in initiatives that contribute to the well-being of our planet. Through small but meaningful actions, we can make a difference and create a more sustainable future for generations to come.


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