CHIN MAN WEI (U2103219)

 We have successfully completed our social engagement project named ‘Wave of Change Project’ where we went to the Bagan Lalang Beach in Sepang to clean the beach and recycle the rubbish. From this project, I have learned several important lessons and gained valuable insights in three different stages which are the planning stage, execution stage and post project stage.

Firstly, during the planning stage, I have realized that without well-defined objectives, it becomes challenging to determine the project's direction and measure its success. After we defined our project objective to contribute to the preservation of our local environment and raise awareness about the importance of keeping our beaches clean. We have several discussions on the topic of project we would like to carry out. Then, after researching on our target audience, their needs, and the prevailing social issues that need to be addressed , we came out with two proposals which were either to instil engineering knowledge to secondary school students or to clean the beach. After getting advices from Dr Tan, he encouraged us to carry on the first option as instilling knowledge can be more impactful and long lasting to the society involved. However this plan was taken back due to the rejection of schools on our proposed project due to the recent hot weather. Thus, we had decided to proceed with the beach cleaning project. After deciding our project and getting permission from the local authorities , we started to plan our detailed tentative and budget before the execution day.

Next, during the event day, we reached Bagan Lalang Beach at around 9.30am. After distributing gloves and rubbish bag, we started to clean the beach area. There were a lot of rubbish at the seaside such as plastic bags, plastic cups, cigarettes bud and plastic straws. We successfully collected four bags of rubbish.After that, we also sorted the rubbish into four categories which were plastic, paper, glass, and metal trash . Then, we also interviewed visitors about their opinion on the cleanliness of the beach, ways to maintain the cleanliness of the beach and importance of a clean environment. Lastly, we also handmade a water filter using plastic bottles, From this stage, I have realized the importance of collaboration and teamwork. This is because without the clear distribution of task between members and responsibility and effort contributed by the members we will not be able to complete our project on time and successful.

After taking part in this project, I have mixed feelings of disappointment and happiness. I feel disappointed witnessing the amount of trash and debris that accumulated on the. These waste items were not only unsightly but also harmful to marine life and ecosystems.  On the other hand, I feel glad because I am able to lend a hand in keeping the beach environment clean. This project has also deepened my understanding of environmental issues and instilled in me a sense of responsibility to protect and conserve nature. I have become more conscious of my own actions and their impact on the environment. Furthermore, I have learned to communicate effectively, distribute tasks efficiently, and support each other in achieving our shared objectives. The project brought us together from diverse backgrounds and races, uniting us in a shared goal and creating a sense of friendship. Finally, I am grateful for this opportunity and look forward to continuing my efforts to protect our environment and inspire others to do the same.


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