At the beginning of this semester, I took a course called GIG 1005 Social Engagement offered by the university. I was curious about what we would learn in this subject. Once the lecturers explained the details, I began to understand how we would approach it. We were divided into four small groups, and I was assigned to group 4. Now, I will share my reflection on the project, divided into three stages: planning, executing the program, and the post-project phase.

Planning phase

In our first meeting on the Microsoft Teams platform, our group, consisting of 14 members in group 4, selected Muhammad Firdaus Bin Zulkifli as our leader for the project. During the meeting, we brainstormed ideas for a project that would benefit society or address a societal problem. In the second meeting, we narrowed down the ideas to two options: introducing civil engineering to secondary school students and organizing a beach cleaning activity. Each member shared their opinions, and we agreed on the final choices. Then, we assigned tasks for preparing a proposal presentation for both activities to present to our coordinator lecturer, Dr. Tan Chee Ghuan. After receiving feedback from Dr. Tan, we decided to proceed with the school activity for our project. However, we encountered some issues when trying to contact schools, and our initial plan of introducing civil engineering to students couldn't be carried out. This was disappointing for me as an engineering student who wanted to expose the younger generation to the scope of civil engineering. Since our school visit plan was cancelled due to hot weather conditions and the Ministry of Education's restrictions on student gatherings, we had to resort to our second plan: cleaning a beach. We chose Pantai Bagan Lalang as it is one of the most popular tourist attractions among the beaches in Selangor. To ensure the smooth execution of the project, we made some preparations. Obtaining the necessary permits became a crucial part of our project. We made arrangements to contact the authorized party, the Sepang Municipal Council, for Pantai Bagan Lalang. An email was sent providing them with the project details, including the date, time, and number of participants. Once we received their approval letter, we proceeded to purchase the necessary equipment such as gloves, plastic bags, and drinking water from a nearby store. Janting, Firdaus, and I took responsibility for acquiring these items. Following that, we held a final preparation meeting before our scheduled visit to the beach on May 28, 2023. In addition, we carefully selected a specific area of the beach known for its popularity among visitors to be the focus of our cleanup efforts. To facilitate transportation, we utilized three vehicles belonging to Darwish, Linggeshwar, and Jinn Ren.

Project Execution

In the early morning, we all convened at block A of the engineering faculty before commencing our journey to the beach. It was important for each member to have breakfast beforehand, ensuring that we were energized for the day ahead. Around 8:30 a.m., we set off towards our destination, and the trip took approximately one hour. By 9:30 a.m., we had arrived at Pantai Bagan Lalang. Stepping out of the car, I immediately noticed the scattered rubbish in the area we had designated for cleaning. Before commencing the cleanup activity, we gathered together for a briefing led by Firdaus. During the briefing, he emphasized the importance of adhering to safety protocols, following guidelines for waste segregation, and understanding the overall objectives of our project. We were all provided with gloves to ensure proper protection. Additionally, we were paired up in teams of two to facilitate the collection of rubbish. It was disheartening to see the presence of litter in an environment where children should be able to enjoy the sea and surroundings comfortably.

Hence, I seized the opportunity to engage in a brief interview with one of the children. Our conversation revolved around the state of cleanliness at the beach upon their arrival and the significance of preserving its cleanliness. To my surprise, the child provided a thoughtful response, highlighting how the scattered rubbish not only mars the scenic view but also adversely impacts marine life. This encounter broadened my perspective, as it became evident that children of that age group also possess knowledge about the importance of conserving the beach's environment. With renewed motivation, we resumed our cleaning activity, diligently working together to remove as much debris as possible. Among the waste we encountered were discarded cigarette butts. Despite the challenging task, I felt a sense of gratification witnessing the effectiveness of our teamwork. After three hours of concerted effort, we successfully completed the cleanup in the designated area.

Our subsequent task involved sorting the collected garbage into different categories, namely plastic, glass, and paper. This initiative aimed to promote the practice of the 3Rs: reuse, reduce, and recycle, not only within our group but also among the wider community. We took the opportunity to educate ourselves and others about the significance of recycling and its positive impact on the environment. To further demonstrate this concept, we decided to construct a water filter using recyclable materials. The filter comprised items such as used water bottles, sand, pebbles, and discarded fabric, all of which were eco-friendly choices. Reflecting on this activity, I realized that in order to maintain a clean environment, it is crucial to raise awareness through online platforms, which offer easy accessibility and user-friendly interfaces suitable for all age groups.

Furthermore, before our departure to the University of Malaya, the Muslim students in our group had the chance to visit the prayer room provided at the beach area. Recognizing its significance as a sacred space for prayer, we felt compelled to ensure its cleanliness and comfort for others. I personally took the initiative to fold the prayer mat and sweep the floor using a broom. Additionally, we collectively organized the bookshelf that housed the Quran and other religious texts. It is my hope that these efforts contribute to creating a more conducive environment for individuals to focus and concentrate during their prayers. This marked the conclusion of our final activity at the beach. Through this experience, I have come to realize the profound impact of participating in community service, not only on society but also on personal growth and development through interactions with others.


Reflecting on our beach cleaning activity, I am filled with a sense of fulfilment and pride in the work we accomplished. It was an experience that taught me invaluable lessons about the importance of environmental responsibility and the impact of collective action. As we worked diligently to clean up the beach, I realized the significance of our efforts in preserving the ecosystem. Removing the litter not only restored the beach's visual appeal but also created a safer environment for marine life. Learning about the devastating effects of plastic pollution on ocean creatures motivated me to become an advocate for reducing single-use plastics and promoting sustainable alternatives. Moving forward, I aspire to seize future opportunities to engage in various programs, such as providing assistance to flood victims or participating in activities with orphanages. These endeavours would allow me to extend my support and contribute towards alleviating the challenges faced by those affected by natural disasters or individuals in need. By actively participating in such initiatives, I aim to make a positive impact on the lives of others and foster a sense of compassion and empathy within myself.


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