CHIN MAN WEI (U2103219)
We have successfully completed our social engagement project named ‘Wave of Change Project’ where we went to the Bagan Lalang Beach in Sepang to clean the beach and recycle the rubbish. From this project, I have learned several important lessons and gained valuable insights in three different stages which are the planning stage, execution stage and post project stage. Firstly, during the planning stage, I have realized that without well-defined objectives, it becomes challenging to determine the project's direction and measure its success. After we defined our project objective to contribute to the preservation of our local environment and raise awareness about the importance of keeping our beaches clean. We have several discussions on the topic of project we would like to carry out. Then, after researching on our target audience, their needs, and the prevailing social issues that need to be addressed , we came out with two proposals which were either to instil engineering knowle...