
CHIN MAN WEI (U2103219)

  We have successfully completed our social engagement project named ‘Wave of Change Project’ where we went to the Bagan Lalang Beach in Sepang to clean the beach and recycle the rubbish. From this project, I have learned several important lessons and gained valuable insights in three different stages which are the planning stage, execution stage and post project stage. Firstly, during the planning stage, I have realized that without well-defined objectives, it becomes challenging to determine the project's direction and measure its success. After we defined our project objective to contribute to the preservation of our local environment and raise awareness about the importance of keeping our beaches clean. We have several discussions on the topic of project we would like to carry out. Then, after researching on our target audience, their needs, and the prevailing social issues that need to be addressed , we came out with two proposals which were either to instil engineering knowle


  At the beginning of this semester, I took a course called GIG 1005 Social Engagement offered by the university. I was curious about what we would learn in this subject. Once the lecturers explained the details, I began to understand how we would approach it. We were divided into four small groups, and I was assigned to group 4. Now, I will share my reflection on the project, divided into three stages: planning, executing the program, and the post-project phase. Planning phase In our first meeting on the Microsoft Teams platform, our group, consisting of 14 members in group 4, selected Muhammad Firdaus Bin Zulkifli as our leader for the project. During the meeting, we brainstormed ideas for a project that would benefit society or address a societal problem. In the second meeting, we narrowed down the ideas to two options: introducing civil engineering to secondary school students and organizing a beach cleaning activity. Each member shared their opinions, and we agreed on the final ch


  PLANNING PHASE Our team had organised multiple meeting sessions during the planning stage to carefully plan out our project. We emphasised the importance of carefully distributing the tasks and responsibilities of each member so that our project remains organised so that it can be run smoothly without having any disruptions or interference. Firdaus was elected as our group leader and he was in charge of ensuring the group members work together as a whole unit. After some precise analysis and evaluation, we have narrowed down our project choices to two community service events, “Imagineers Society” and “Wave of Change”. After conducting extensive research and carefully weighing all aspects, our team has made the choice to embark on the "Wave of Change" project as our community service initiative. Personally, the idea of this project excites me as I would be getting the chance to participate in a beach cleaning programme as this would be my first experience of doing so. The


In my opinion, the Wave of Change project has been successful from the very beginning. The planning of the project, and execution of the activity until the very end of this project have been going very well. Hence, I would like to share my experience and what I learned during the planning and preparation of this project, event day, and after the event had been done from this project in this Self-Reflection for GIG1005: Social Engagement. 1) Preparation of the Wave of Change project For this project, 5 meetings have been made in order to thoroughly prepare for this event. The first meeting is about brainstorming about which activities we want to make. Several ideas have been given by my teammates which include cleaning the beach, teaching students at nearby schools, going to community parks, and volunteering at the zoo. We were given a week to choose the best projects among the choice and polls were made so that we all can choose. During the second meeting, our leader, which is Muhammad


  I was impressed by my participation in the beach cleanup charity event. This experience made me realize the importance of environmental protection and inspired me to be more active in public service activities. At the beginning, when I stepped on the beach, I was shocked by the scene in front of me. There was a lot of garbage scattered on the beach, including plastic bottles, paper, plastic bags and other kinds of waste. This garbage not only destroyed the beautiful scenery of the beach, but also posed a great threat to the marine ecological environment. Faced with this reality, I decided to take active action and make my own contribution to the environment. In the process of cleaning up the trash, I worked together with other volunteers and collaborated with each other. We divided the work, with some picking up plastic bottles, others cleaning up paper, and others focusing on removing large pieces of trash from the beach. Although the work was hard, the unity and cooperation of the

DAVID LOH (S2125575)

Our group, Group 4, had successfully executed and completed our social engagement project titled: Wave of Change. The following are my reflections on the Project Preparation Stage, Project Execution Stage, and Post-Project Stage. Project Preparation Stage During this stage, my group mates and I discussed together the possible projects that can be planned, prepared, and executed by us. Since we are university students, all of my group mates brainstormed some creative ideas on the types of projects that we can implement. We took into consideration that the project must bring impact to the local community, and at the same time have some elements of fun while we are doing the project. After a lengthy discussion, we came up with two ideas which are teaching useful skills in a secondary school and cleaning up a beach. During our discussion, I highlighted to my group that we should try to do a project that is unique and different from what the previous year’s students had done. Seeing that la


For this Social Engagement project reflection, we can divide it into 3 phases which are planning phase, execution phase and post project execution phase.  Planning and Preparation Phase For the planning phase, I have attended a few online meetings of my group (Group 4) to discuss and brainstorm the project ideas. From the discussion, we have decided to carry out a program at a school regarding higher education and civil engineering. We have also come up with a back up plan which is volunteering to clean a public beach. From these discussions, I have developed my communication skills. I have not done too much communication with some of my group members even though we are batchmates, so this project had given me the opportunity to do so. I believe that I have also developed my report writing skills by being involved in the proposal writing for our project. Furthermore, we have presented 2 project proposals to Dr. Tan Chee Guan. I have also developed my presentation skill through this pro